We are looking for volunteers to help us in the fight to Save Little Middleton. There are three ways you can help us in our fight.
Facebook : Please visit and like our Save Little Middleton Facebook page.
Twitter : Post your support using the hashtag #savelittlemiddleton and @nologoplays
Write to your MP : Tell your MP about our plight and ask them to do something to support us in Parliament. A full list of MPs can be found on the House of Commons website if you don't know who your MP is or what constituency you are in (in which case just go for the one you think looks the friendliest)
Come to see the save little middleton shows : A company called NoLogoProductions are staging shows about the fight to save the village. You can find out all about these here where you can also buy tickets at very reasonable prices. We regret that there will however be no performances in our own village hall as it is currently closed for emergency repair work following the snows and bad weather in February.
Facebook : Please visit and like our Save Little Middleton Facebook page.
Twitter : Post your support using the hashtag #savelittlemiddleton and @nologoplays
Write to your MP : Tell your MP about our plight and ask them to do something to support us in Parliament. A full list of MPs can be found on the House of Commons website if you don't know who your MP is or what constituency you are in (in which case just go for the one you think looks the friendliest)
Come to see the save little middleton shows : A company called NoLogoProductions are staging shows about the fight to save the village. You can find out all about these here where you can also buy tickets at very reasonable prices. We regret that there will however be no performances in our own village hall as it is currently closed for emergency repair work following the snows and bad weather in February.